Recruit your shopping B2C or BtoC sales in Paris , Lyon , Marseille or anywhere in France with our business recruitment firm. This type of commercial profile B2C or B to C commercial has the particularity of having as target the individual and to have as a constraint the various laws protecting this particular (withdrawal periods), this sale must therefore be done in soul and conscience, gently or at the forcept especially for one shooter salespeople. The commercial B2C or commercial B to C 's mission is to develop the sales of his company in a defined geographical sector with a clientele of individuals . And selling to individuals is a real job! Going door to door permanently or at exhibitions, or in agencies with 99% of the time an audience who says "no" to you is not to everyone's taste. But even if this profession has its reverse, it also has its medal since the commercial potential is inexhaustible and this is constantly renewing, it is therefore a hunting ground for a very specific profile of salespeople .
The commercial position B2C or commercial B to C evolves in different fields: Telecom & Fiber, Spirits, Consumer goods, Insurance, Banking, Hotel, Restaurant, CHR, Internet, Multimedia, Door and Windows etc ...
From one company to another, he can be called in different ways, even if the target remains the individual: sector manager, field salesperson, sedentary salesperson, sales agent, sales advisor, customer relations officer, etc.
What tasks for a salesperson B2C or B to C commercial Paris, Lyon, Marseille?
The number 1 task of a B2C or B to C salesperson is to market a product or service. Very often this position is dedicated to so-called " hunter" salespeople able to constantly seek new customers. But it is also open to profiles "breeders" who will manage and pilot a fleet of individuals to sell them additional services (called cross selling). Sale, negotiation, contract signing the B2C salesperson or B to C salesperson is the boss of his sector and his field of activity with "Monsieur toutlemonde". this profile of B2C commercial or B to C commercial will evolve in sales universes where these will be more or less hard and more or less long, because there are B2C or B to C commercial "one shooter" making a sale in 1st visit, and "R + X" salespeople making a sale in X appointments. Depending on the solution of the company or its product, a personality will emerge from this profile. This position is often supervised by a local sales manager , or a sales manager , or sales manager in charge of development.
What state of mind for a Paris, Lyon, Marseille sales engineer?
It should be remembered that in sales to individuals, the B2C salesperson or B to C salesperson constantly takes "doors", a "no". The 1st trait in this type of profile is the ability to learn from his failures and to recover from negative situations for his morale. This profile must integrate that "the sale starts when you tell him no" .
The B2C salesperson or B to C salesperson will thus have to be a warrior, and be a conqueror in the case of “hunter” and “strategist” profiles for a B2C salesperson or B to C “breeder” salesperson profile. This B2C commercial or B to C commercial can be as well on a workstation with trips, as on a sedentary position (example in an agency). As soon as the position uses more than 70% of the telephone in its daily life, it is therefore a sedentary salesperson profile that will have to be hired. The B2C salesperson can be helped by a sales assistant . Regarding the school curriculum, good logic would require a profile of the BTS type, DUT type Bac + 2 but this is not an absolute rule in itself, because the diploma does not make the candidate a good salesperson. It is his knowledge of being, his instinct and his will that will enable him to do better than his colleague. Regarding remuneration, the B2C salesperson or B to C salesperson often attacks the minimum wage, ie 20k € but if successful can go up to 100k € per year!
Our firm gives you the benefit of its experience and know-how to assist you in the recruitment of a B2C or B to C salesperson or B2C or B to C sales reps . This recruitment can be done in one to one recruitment or in an assessment center format .
We seek and select for you the best qualified candidates in the trades related to your activity. Hunter Profile it is your head-hunting recruitment firm, specialist in sales and distribution recruitment, Lyon commercial recruitment office , Paris commercial recruitment office , Marseille commercial recruitment office and anywhere in France