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Profile Hunter headhunter is a medical & health recruitment firm specializing in direct approach in Paris , Lyon , Marseille and throughout France and internationally. Recruitment of profiles having a correlation with the medical, health, pharmaceutical, paramedical, laboratory, drug sector. With 3 locations in France, we provide a Lyon medical recruitment firm service for the recruitment in the Rhone Alpes region of all profiles related to health and medical. Paris medical recruitment firm in the Ile de France region and on the side of Brittany for biomedical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology and finally our Marseille medical recruitment firm provides various head hunting services throughout the south of France, PACA region and region de bordeaux to find the right profiles. Our customers can be pharmaceutical laboratories, biotechnology companies, manufacturers of medical equipment and hospital equipment, companies specializing in the field of diagnostics, healthcare establishments, OTC market players, dental and veterinary fields, etc.
These trades are linked to a regulatory aspect and require rigor and when performing their tasks. Indeed, an error can cost an expensive company, because health represents one of the most important development axes in France and a health industry which is exported very well internationally.
Your company wishes to recruit a (a) laboratory technician or laboratory assistant, shopping hospital sector , medical equipment manufacturer sales engineer, medical advisor, biotechnology engineer etc ...
Our Healthcare recruitment firm recruits all types of direct-approach positions, our pharmaceutical recruitment firm and headhunter in Paris, Lyon, Marseille works with healthcare establishments (MCO clinics, Hospitals, CHUs, Cancer Centers , hospitalization in follow-up and rehabilitation care (SSR), Psychiatry, etc.). We are launching support missions to recruit the right profiles with the right skills and the right knowledge to be in social medical establishments : EHPAD, elderly people, home hospitalization (HAD) and home care, disability, residential homes, specialized reception centers for children and adults with motor and / or mental disabilities, for young people, early childhood, disabled people or people with social and psychological difficulties (FAM, IME, ITEP, MAS, etc.). Finally, our biotechnology recruitment firm works with a large clientele of healthcare professionals involved in B2B or B to B trust us on a daily basis, particularly the pharmaceutical industries, drug laboratories, companies marketing medical devices and companies in the biotechnology sector. in Paris , Lyon , Marseille and everywhere in France and internationally. These players in biotechnology are made up, for example, of companies marketing DM / DMI medical device equipment, medical equipment, they can come from hospital hygiene, sterilization, and be in the sale of laboratory instruments, manufacturer of drugs and antibodies or chemical reagents
Consult our fees online and contact us for a job request to find you the right m / f profile with our headhunting firm Profil Hunter present in Paris (Ile de France), Lyon (Rhone Alpes), Marseille (PACA)
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